Monday, March 17, 2014

Preparing to be Reborn

It's been awhile since I've last wrote on this blog. I've really gotten out of the habit of putting my thoughts into words when my original blog in friendster which I maintained for 7 long years was just deleted and replaced with a gaming website. Ugh! Talk about lost memories. After that, I've shifted to writing in my whitepicketfences blogspot then this blog which I never quite maintained well (facebook also made me lazy and got me to just posting status updates and the like).

Now, a few years after, I write with a different state of mind. Golly! I don't even need to think of a topic to write about because LIFE is just really on a roll right now.

Before I begin and update you regularly on my journey, let me just take you back to the past years and then we can move forward.

1) July 2012 - Got engaged
2) January 2013 - Shifted out of IT into the business side
3) April 2013 - Got married; went off to Europe for our honeymoon
4) July 2013 - Got pregnant

Ok, where are we right now? Ahhh...I am still pregnant but that is to change soon. This change is the reason why I thought this entry should have this title: Reborn.

I know for a fact that life, as I know it, will change. It has already changed so much in the past year but judging by the books I've read, stories my friends have told me, and my own assessment of things, I know that Joy Mendenilla, now Joy Marquez will further evolve as a Mom, as Rafael's mom.

I wish to be ready. I wish to capture these precious moments. I wish to be able to speak to myself and organise my thoughts to give myself the chance to have fun and not take any of this experience for granted. I wish to live consciously with a present state of mind, always thinking, always contemplating and not being led by the tide.

Join me in this journey and let's have some fun!!!

P.S. I have also started another blog but this one is dedicated to Rafael. It will contain letters/writings very specific to Rafael as I wish to continue to make a distinction between his journey and mine.

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