Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Background - Why? Oh Why?

Why? Oh Why?... Study?

5. It's company sponsored (I get to pay a bit to ensure commitment)

4. I'm a masochist (Scratch that, I'm a nerd).

3. I've realized my career profile needed some beefing up so I obtained my PMP last 2009 and then pursued 4 ITIL practitioner certifications between 2009 and 2010. I am just short of one exam to obtain ITIL service manager certification. With these two certifications bagged, the Finance course will complete my armory.

2. On to probably the only noble reason...
I've been working for a bank for over 7 years. It's about time I start understanding what we really do! Shocked? Hopefully 15 months from now, I'd be less shocking.

1. 5x free Hongkong trips - there's no better reason. Hello, Shopping!!!

Why? Oh Why?... The Blog?

3. I miss blogging. I stopped blogging mid year after my blog of 6 years was deleted. I am not kidding. Blame Friendster and their stupid new games!

2. This would be a 15 month journey. I would love to be able to capture the entire journey (esp the gimmicks and side trips) and make it a usable reference material for those who will walk the same path

1. I don't want to take this opportunity for granted. I want to value every gift coming of it and be inspired to achieve something out of this. By the end of the course, I would love to say a) I passed the course b) got good grades c) actually learned something d) met new people, seen new places, and gained new insights

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