Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 14: Happy Feet

Took leave on the second half of the day so I can send off Mom and Dad to the airport this afternoon.
I would have taken the full day out had it not been for 3 key meetings I couldn't miss.
After the meetings, I rushed to meet up with Lala, Mom, and Dad in Expo where Mom and Dad did a bit of last minute shopping at the John Little Sale. We had lunch at this cozy new restaurant, Meath (forgot the exact name), headed back home to pack up the newly bought stuff and went straight to the airport. I was mighty glad Lala did a web check in so we got to avoid the long line and got to hang out for a while longer  at Mickey D's for sundae, nuggets, and fries.
I couldn't help but be sad just staring at Mom and Dad as we waited. I already miss them and they haven't gone yet. I've always been the one who leaves so this feeling was very unfamiliar to me. Finally, it was time to go. I had to hold back from crying again as I watched Mom and Dad go thru immigration and security.

I was feeling so down after leaving the airport that I thought I'd treat myself to a bit of pampering.
First stop was my nail salon. 
Loved my newly painted light pink nails. Couldn't help but smile when I saw these smiling faces starting back at me as if willing me to cheer up! 
I wanted a bit more cheering up so I called my facial salon and tried my luck for an appointment. I surprisingly got one and headed out to the city for a bit of TLC. 

I just called Mom a few hours ago and heard her voice. They have arrived safely and also miss us already. I can't wait to see them again. Eagerly waiting for my November trip to Manila and Mom and Dad's visit this Christmas here in SG. I gotta get myself a house out here so I can have them here more often. I'm sooooo motivated!

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