Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 13: Family

Mom and Dad's visit feels so different this time around. The one thing that made it different is that my younger sister and her husband are now living here in Singapore. Mom and Dad now seem to be the ones living far away. I also find their visits more relaxing than ever. We no longer tire ourselves visiting tourist spot after tourist spot. We just content ourselves staying at home, eating together, then chatting afterwards.
My sister has also been very wonderful. She's taken it in herself to tour my parents whenever I'm unable to get off work. While I like being with them, I do sometimes deliberately keep my presence scarce so they would have an opportunity to bond more.
Just before sleeping tonight, Dad mentioned my sister several times. Dad said, "Lala can really cook!". Later on, he said it again. He had really good words to say about my little sister the whole night. This warms my heart, puts a smile to my face, and really makes me very happy.
I thank God for family. Without them, I don't think life would have been as wonderful as it is right now. Life is beautiful but Family for me, is everything.

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