Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7 - Steve and Kouk

Just got home around 30 mins ago. I should be sleeping but yeah, I want to keep this challenge going. Besides, I spent the past 30 mins just surfing the net looking for more news re two men who made the headlines today.

1) Kouk Leong Jin
I learned about his story last night and I've been really curious as to what has happened to him. Poor guy went to Greece to attend a medical conference 2 weeks after his marriage and is now, after a week, still missing. I guess I got hooked to his story partly because I've been to Greece before. Images from my trip last 2010 came flashing back to me and I keep trying to imagine where he could be. I can just imagine the pain his wife and family are in now. I really hope he turns up soon, whatever the reason. Please help pray for him and his family as well.

2) Steve Jobs
Woke up early this morning with news of his death. I immediately called my boyfriend who's a huge fan of him and he already knew. I checked my facebook and behold was a mass of updates and comments about his death which continues to flow. I won't add to the fb updates as I guess we all got the point now.
I'm not going to add more to those learnings, etc but will just tribute him with a BLOG SALUTE using my MAC. Farewell Steve!

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