Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 27: Working on a Holiday

The downside of too many visitors from work (from ZCH) is that I'm always deeply constrained with time when they are here. It happened that I had 4 of them over with 3 of them working mostly with me.
After the workshop, I had next to deal with an analysis which we needed to close in time for Friday. Since I was flying out Thursday afternoon and my visitor Wednesday evening, this meant that I had to work on this day.
It would have been ok IF today was not a holiday! Good thing I have the world's most understanding boss so he allowed me to take a day off from working on this day. That worked for me as it meant that I can now work without disruptions, on my own time, and get to choose the day when I don't work at all. Not a bad deal at all.
I just started off though by oversleeping and waking up at 11am instead of 9am. Work got accomplished in time with another colleague so we were quite happy to kick off and go home at around 8pm. Not early, but enough to still do something else!

Beyond having the world's most understanding boss, I also have the world's finest manfriend. Haha!
We dined in Din Xiao Er and enjoyed eating LOTS of food. Afterwards, he accompanied me to go shopping for my upcoming HK classes - so off I went to buy new ballpens and notebooks! Wrapped up the day with a bit of packing for my trip.

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