Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My 43 Day Fitness Challenge

It's a 43 day race to the finish.

I've been unsuccessful at reaching my ideal weight for the past year. Needless to say, I had several half hearted attempts to make things happen. I wish to overcome this by giving myself time bound specific targets to get me to my ideal weight: 107 lbs in time for my 33rd birthday on July 17.

Current Weight: 121 lbs
Target Weight: 107 lbs
Weight to Lose: 14 lbs

# of Days: 43

# of Lbs to Lose Per Week: 3 (max approx) = 17 lbs
# of Lbs to Lose Per Week: 2 (min approx) = 13 lbs

Exclusions: rice, pasta, fries, soda, juice
Preferred: vegetables, steamed fish/meat, water (8x)
No meals after 7pm; only water

4x a week exercise
Monday - Simei Runs (5km)
Tuesday- Gym (1 hr cardio, 1 hr weights)
Wednesday - Gym (1 hr cardio, 1 hr weights)
- Thursday - Chores and Conf Call
Saturday - Badminton, hiking, etc
-Sunday - HK Diploma Studies

11 pm - sleep
8 am - rise

845 AM - Changi
615 PM - Bugis (Tuesday, Wednesday)
7 PM - Simei (Monday)

Let's see. Tracking starts tomorrow....

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