Monday, July 20, 2015

I'm Bringing Sexy Back

Life's been good to me since I got married. I couldn't ask for more - I got a good husband, healthy and happy son, good work, a happy home, and friends and family all around. But ask me now if I'm truly happy, I'd rather say I'm blessed. Blessed because I know that what I've got is overflowing. I can't say I've truly got a smiling and jolly heart because my heart feels heavy. It's heavy literally because somewhere between getting pregnant and gaining almost half of my weight, I've lost my balance.
I try to avoid mirrors and looking at my pictures because whenever I glance back into the image, a stranger is looking back. I can hardly recognize myself anymore. I have no urge to dress up, no energy to stand up straight and have a serious loss of confidence.
I want to get my confidence and my energy back because I need it. I need it to bring back that smile I recognize and that swagger that was part of me. I need to get that balaance.
I'm not gonna do a post mortem as to what got me here and I've ran out of cover and excuses because it's been nearly 1 and 1/2 years since I gave birth. I have been deferring from doing my annual check up because I am afraid of what I will discover.

My view of my situation is a bit grim but it's still salvageable, I hope.

I still have half of my lifetime ahead of me. I want to get that sexy back.

Sexy Back Game Plan
1) No after 6 pm dinners for now that involved carbs- to keep my energy at night, eat fruits before going home
2) No rice, pasta, fries - enough said as carbs and my body don't really like each other
3) No liquid calories - as a concession, I'd keep my green tea drink but drink in moderation
4) 2x a week gym minimum during office lunch - Monday, Wednesday
5) 1 weekend sport activity - bike or run
6 ) No breakfast - just water; I know this is against all known rules but I really can't find any healthy bfast food I can eat without stuffing myself too early in the day
7) Walk or climb whenever I can
8) Sleep early so I don't end up binge eating to make up for lack of sleep or energy

That's it. 8 things to track - one week at a time, one day at a time. Let's see if I can make a little dent.

23 weeks left till Christmas. If I lose a lb a week, I can bring a little bit of sexy back before the year ends. Let's do this.

Peppa Joy

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