Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 11: 10 lbs

10 lbs. I need to lose you and I will lose you by Nov 20, 2011.

Today, I weighed myself and had to cringe when I saw the scale reflect my heaviest weight in 4 years. Pictures, mirrors, and my clothes could no longer afford to lie. My mom continues to lie about me getting fat but there you go.

What a wake up call.

There is no dilly dallying anymore. I must reverse the bad habits I have developed over the past year.
I must start watching my food, exercising, drinking water, and changing my overall activities.
I never thought I'd be in this state again but I guess there's no time to waste thinking of the what might have beens.

For now, this is the single most important thing I must help myself accomplish. Only if I accomplish this goal would I be in any position to accomplish anything else as this weight gain is affecting me as a person, my happiness, my confidence and my sense of self.

I want a better ME. The old me who was happy, full of energy, and who was happy being ME.

Picture taken a few years back when I reached my ideal weight.

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