Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5 - The Best Things In Life Are Free

I've always tried to offer the most that I can afford to my parents.
Today, I opted to offer the best that I can give. My time. My love. My devotion. 

The Best Things In Life Are Priceless:

Being Able to Shout To The World How Much You Love Someone
regardless of the funny stares
Being Able To Try Something New and Exciting Together
regardless of the calories
Being Able To Give All You Can Give
regardless of the hole it burns in your pocket
Being Able to Sleep in the Middle of Your Parents
regardless of the snores from left to right
and Being Able to Wake Up with them and Prepare Brunch With Your Sister
regardless of the lack of sleep
Being Able To Go On a Picnic at a Park On A Whim
with a loaded picnic basket in tow, fresh air and your loved ones
regardless of the tiny bits of rain

Being able to pamper your parents after a long walk with a facial and a foot spa

And Being Able To End A Wonderful Day With A Special Meal Shared By All You Love Dearly, 
Photographer Included =)

Happy Birthday Daddy! The Best Thing In Life is having you and the entire family around for 68 more years.
Thank you Lord for giving our family another year to enjoy each other's loving company.

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