Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 3 146.6

There - it's out. 146.6 and I thought it was really bad when I hit 128 around 8 years ago after I came back from a bountiful vacation in the U.S.
On the one hand, I am relieved. I have avoided the scale for months now thinking I've hit 150. I was 144 a day after coming out of the hospital which means I've gained instead of lost weight a day after giving birth. I breastfed for 6 months so it must be that what works for other women, does not work for me.
I guess I really have to stay in greater tune with my body instead of relying on tips and tricks of anyone claiming that what they did allowed them to lose weight.

Today, I discovered new things. 
My iphone has a health app that can link the steps I took into myfitness pal. How cool is that? I also discovered thru fitness pal that my favorite sour dough bread which I loved to eat together with my soup is costing me 100+ calories! That's jequivalent to 20 mins of hard work at the gym.

So how did I do today?
No breakfast
Went to the gym and burned 150 cal as I stayed only for awhile
Had my die hard soup with my nasty bread and iced tea
Dinner awaits as I am just making my way home -> via cab so not good per walking goes

3 days! Woot! Woot! I realize now that writing about it makes me conscious with what I do so that's kind of the point why I write this up.


Dinner update: Still no rice but I think I ate more than my share of sitaw/kalabasa and fried fish! 

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